Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Oh well!

So as it is quite apparent I am not so dedicated to my blog. But then I am lazy. So have got no body to blame this on but me. When ever I have this creative burst I promise myself it is going into this blog but then when I open it I am shy to pen down my thoughts. Something stops me saying may be it is not smart enough for the world to read it. Now let me be honest, anyway the whole world isn't gonna read it, so why worry. But you know, once you are that kinda shy it won't go away. So I decided this is my second innings with blogging and this time around I will do something I believe in and my shy writer alter ego will agree to pen it down. Final decision is, let me stay true to what the name of my blog stands for. I named it World's Review knowingly or seemingly unaware of this hidden shy writer. But oh well, it worked out for me. 

Today's blog is all about how I am planning to go about updating this blog at least weekly with these wise ideas/thoughts I keep getting. You know world is filled with a lot of not so happy people. I don't want to use the word unhappy because they aren't unhappy. They are just NOT happy. Some say you see the world they way you are, so may be that's it then. It is for people like me, lost, confused and trying to understand why they are in a situation they are in, I will bring you good things to read about. Something happy happening somewhere to put that pleasant feeling back in your mind and heart. It can be a nice article I read about, a good book i read that week, a nice movie i watched, a cheerful song I heard, some Touch episode kind of miracle I witnessed and if I hear nothing or see nothing there is always my back up thoughts to share from none other than The Ellen Degeneres. Her show always puts a smile on my face and I am sure it will put on yours too. I always say "Happiness is contagious and Ellen spreads it". 

So brace yourself all you people who came across my blog, thank you for reading it and keep coming back for more. 


Friday, January 21, 2011

Things not to do when one is Angry.. X(

Phew! Apt title for my current state of mind.. The problem is how to get that frustration out which has been building up inside me.. I thought let me yell at someone.. Now.. that will do no good.. rather it will hurt my PR.. now that I know I am not very good at maintaining old friendships.. I cant afford to ruin new ones.. So I ruled out the yelling option.. then thought I would play games... later I realized even that was a bad plan because already I have set my records high and with this state of mind I'm not able to concentrate to beat my own records.. and also loosing to myself irritates me even more.. aargh!!! x(

Hmmm.. thought of watching some movie.. some really good action would take me away from my thoughts, anger and frustration.. I chose Expandables.. everything was good.. it is a hard core bloody action movie.. blood spatter everywhere.. people dieing.. I thought it is definitly awesome until the moment I saw the name of the director.. really!! You got to be kidding me.. Silvester Stallone.. When I see actors directing themselves.. I somehow sense something very artificial.. as if the character is always too cautious not to overplay or underplay.. not at ease with himself.. and I continued to observe this behaviour.. Atleast I thought let me concentrate on Jason.. it was going fine.. but when Arnold came along.. and the dialog about becoming president.. Thats like president campaign 2020.. So I gave up on the movie.. now when you are frustrated.. don' watch something that can possibly aggravate you.. that can possibly compell you to think above and beyond.. and will make you want to hurt someone really bad...

Next trail was to watch Okariki Okaru.. this one movie I never had a chance to watch earlier.. but to my utter disappointment couldn't survive for more than 15 mins.. Woww.. I just realized how miserable things look to us when we are frustrated.. really.. I mean everything that looked fine until a few hours ago now looks fairly disgusting and useles..

What to do.. Thats why I started writing this.. atleast hoping every keyboard letter I press would be like a punch to the punching bag... now I can actually hear a rythm coming out of my keyboard which is crusing me for being so brutal with it.. However,, I don think I am in a mood to hear to it.. it is kind of helping.. :d

Anyways people.. when you are frustrated.. Don call anyone.. esp ppl whom you love.. because you tend to hurt them the most with all the bitter words and actions.. Don watch either a badly directed movie.. or a movie with stupid story.. silly is fine.. but don go with stupid.. you'll end up cursing everything in your vicinity.. Don play games.. you'll end up loosing to yourself.. don eat junk.. you'll end up fat.. and don blog.. it will make no sense when you read it with a sane head.. and finally.. Don  even open your mouth.. I hope this list helps.. and if you are wondering what to do when you are angry.. then this is not the place.. I only tell you What Not To Do.. :) :) (amazingly feeling better.. just a little though.. but phew!)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Me and Bliss!!

I should firstly say thanks to Robin Sharma and his book "The Monk who sold his Ferrari" and then to my roommate. I wondered how I will survive 18 days when she said she would leave to New Mexico for research. And when that day approached which also happened to be the day I finished reading the book.. I started wondering how it will be when I have no one talk to once I got back home.. I would have my eternal silence ruling the house. I do not like the idea of living alone. I always thought why would anyone want to do it.. Don' they need someone to yell at when things are messed up.. Don' they need someone to have evening tea with and talk about how pleasant/unpleasant the weather/day at work is.. and btw my roomie is a very nice person and we do care about each other.. and share a lot of common inerests.. Anyways coming to the point.. I thought to myself.. “I never had a room to myself before and having a house to myself would certainly be a brand new experience”.. and that experience is as follows..

After reading The Monk who sold his Ferrari.. The first thought in my mind was.. “What an amazing book”.. I mean I do not think I would be doing every single thing mentioned in the book... but there are a few points which got etched into my mind and also I started believing in them too... and those points are.. 1. Have some time for yourself.. Think and dream about what you want to be.. and always picture yourself the way you want to be after 5 years.. 2. Next point was... Don' be afraid of anything or in other words.. be fearless.. and 3. Final point was.. Set for yourself small small goals spread over time and work hard to achieve them.. and enjoy the bliss in that.

So these are the principles I adopted to follow over these two weeks and wanted to see the difference in me...I am alone once I get home from work.. and not many friends to hang out everyday.. So I thought it would be a good time to start and see what I can do with myself..  So I started setting goals.. one was to lose all the unwanted weight I gained over the past few weeks of corporate work + laziness.. That is to hit the gym everyday.. and then to enjoy every moment I have these two weeks.. not being afraid to explore anything.. and mostly not to think the mostly sought out words.."What will others think"... and dreaming is something I do almost all the time..

All these points were working so fine with me and during these days of my solitude at home.. I am enjoying every moment thoroughly.. and today of all days.. I had one of the best days with myself.. It started like a routine Sunday.. I woke up late.. made myself an awesome coffee.. (I make good coffee.. :)) Saw two of most beautiful movies.. Notting Hill and You've got Mail.. and then.. I thought.. let me take a walk.. weather so was soo good.. let me not get stuck at home.. So I went for a long walk.. of about two miles.. every step I took I enjoyed.. I had a pleasant feeling all through.. I was understanding what Robin Sharma was saying all through the book.. the fall colors all around me.. those crisp leaves on the walk ways which I enjoyed stamping and enjoying that crunchy sound.. smiled at every beautiful thing I came across.. Every moment I saw a beautiful cloud formation.. or every time a breeze playfully swept my face I could feel a bliss filling inside me by nature. Just when I realized I was thirsty.. I settled in StarBucks.. ordered Chai Tea Latte.. glass of cold water and a coffee cake.. sat down with Michael Crichton's book in my hand.. Happiness could be seen on my face.. Nature has its way of making you feel so good.. I don’t think any other feeling can compete with that.. and all these pleasant feelings were followed by nice conversation started by a stranger sitting on a table across from me.. To icing to the story.. gentle pitter patter rain outside... and the awesome smell of the land after the first few drops of rain was so overpowering and comforting at the same time.. That scent gave me inexplicable happiness and nostalgia all at the same time :)

and that is the moment I thought.. had I been not so open about walking two mile.. had I been not open to talking to a stranger whom I might never see again.. Had my roomie dint leave for that program.. Had I not read that book.. I would have definitely missed a wonderful time with myself.. Then I understood one important thing.. Taking chances.. not being afraid.. and giving Life a chance.. living alone is certainly filled with bliss.. or happiness.. or joy.. or whatever it is that you call  Being alone is something not to feel sad about.. but it is something that will give a chance to look into yourself and strike that chord which will certainly sound like harmony..

Until then.. Ciao :)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Naruto.. The Harry Potter of East!! or Vice Versa

Can’t really say which one is true.. is Naruto the Harry Potter of East, or is it Harry Potter the Naruto of west. I cannot say that I have watched the Naruto episodes thoroughly to even remotely make any decision, but surely there is an uncanny resemblance between both of them. They both are orphans (or I can say parents killed in the process of killing a villain) and were never appreciated much by the society until they came to their respective schools and they were genius in their respective fields too. They had something of that evil left inside themselves which makes the stories even more interesting.  Talk about how such a nice plot appeals to human nature over and over again and across the globe? The affect of fiction on people always makes me question myself, is it the greatness of stories or weakness of men that actually makes all these works of fiction work successfully. For a while lets think it is both.. a little bit of this and a little bit of that.. (because firstly, I enjoy fiction and don't wanna stress on later point much :p)

I think for someone to be very successful, there should be a hard fall. Hit the ground so hard that they bounce back with acceleration that can overcome 'g'.. So may be such stories will make the people who are falling down realize the bright side of the situation.. the success.. the bounce back. That’s the beauty of the fantasy world which appeals so much to the human nature and every comic.. every fiction.. about such characters was and will be a super hit.

These fantasy and fiction works are the ones which encourage people to dream and dream big. Optimists say dream on.. and work hard to achieve it. Realists or rather pessimists say.. "But only in their dreams can men be truly free.. It was always thus and always thus will be..” At the end of the day, I am an optimist and I always believe in the power of hope. It gives us the courage to see the fading flickering light at the end of the tunnel, gives a reason to go on with the journey. The reason to fight - the reason to succeed - No matter who says it, be it Naruto, be it Harry Potter, message is the same.

"Don’t let people who judge you or smirk at you affect you.. it’s You who can make a difference.. it’s You who can make it work..” Help in the form of Dumbeldore or Iruka will always find You.

P.S: One of the best parts of Naruto is its background score, I just loved it.. :) One of the bad things is, I can’t take my eyes of the screen, even if I move a little, I can't even figure out what is going on. I guess I need to learn Japanese now.. :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Eat..! Pray..! Love..!

Julia Roberts... Is one of the finest actresses in the world.. and when her latest movie was up in the theatres.. I really thought.. whoa... I should watch that one..!! and yes I did... Once I came out of theatre.. I felt.. movies are always rated.. right.. PG13.. R.. etc.. this movie should have been categorized too.. Above 40..!! it is for people who haven't found love even after they are 40.. who have never enjoyed a single day in their lives until that point.. and it is for people who never believed in the existence of god!! If that was mentioned.. atleast the first point saying it is only for people above 40.. I would have kept myself away from it.. Yet.. I went into the theatre.. sat for the most possible boring 2 hours in there.. and saw a woman raise from being mundane to adventurous in a very subtle way.. (You should have noticed the irony.. subtle adventurous..!! sorry for doubting your reading skills..)

So you must now be wondering why on earth I am writing a review about a movie which left theatres more than a month ago.. Now my friends.. is my confession.. even though I thought the movie was pretty boring.. and there is nothing in the movie for young generation like ours.. there was one small thing in that film that appealed to me.. and it was ITALY.... Italian Cuisine.. (I always wonder why the flag of India and Italy have same colors.. have great history.. and one most common thing.. exotic food...!!!! woww...)

I am officially in love with Italian cuisine.. and this blog is all about that.. and now again.. I should say.. I never loved Italian before.. according to me.. Italian is nothing but... Lotsssssss of cheese... on side you'd find either Pasta or a piece of bread... How stupid was I.. I never realized the awesome flavor of the food until I saw two movies.. The credit goes to two most boring films which most of you haven't have seen.. First is "Julie and Julia".. I always wondered why I picked that DVD from the library.. I thought Meryl Streep is there.. it has something worhtwhile.. and I certainly got thouroughly bored with it.. But little did I realized that.. That movie left an amazing impression on my mind regarding Italian food.. and then I made my very best and first Bruschetta.. and I loved it.. I should thank Laura Vitale for that.. her pretty face and awesome cooking ways.. I am a big fan of hers and I subscribed her on Youtube.. :) and then came Julia Roberts.. teaching us.. how not to count calories and enjoy gourmet food.. and then along came Gordan Ramsay and his awesome Italian friend.. in Master Chef.. who taught amature chefs. (Like me) how to make it big it Kitchen.. :)

Thanks "Eat.. Pray.. Love.." you dint quite make an impression as a movie that I would want to watch again.. or even recommend it to my friends.. you helped me figure out my most favorite cuisine.. For all those who haven't tried Italian.. you are missing out on something very amazing.. and for all those who all it.. Guyss.. I am with u.. and for ppl who ate Italian and don' like it(I don think anyone falls in this category.. but if yes..) are we still TALKING??????????

Thanks guys for reading this post.. and Last but not the least.. I always have one message to spread.. GO GREEN!!! :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A bowl full of pomegranate

Hope i got the spelling right. I never thought I'd have to spell pomegranate one day.. anyways.. that's my dinner for tonight.. so thus named this part of my time.

Getting bored... darn bored. Where am I.. what am I doing.. I generally lead a life where I hardly find time to even make myself a cup of chai.. and now quite opposite.. I am finding time to make an entire four course meal.. Godd.. How I hate cooking..

I really don wanna be this idle.. I never knew coming back to India for such a long break can be this boring.. Once upon a time I never had time to sit properly and enjoy my lunch.. neva had time to enjoy the awesome fall colors.. neva had time to enjoy the town clad in white.. neva had time to njoy the melting moments... coming to more coarse facts..neva had time to do any of the personal nd professional chores leisurely.. now i have time to broood sitting in my bathroom.. simple funda.. I have loads of time to kill.. not finding enough ways..

so today i thought let me do something different.. so went to a fruit market.. bought two poms..(let me call it that...) cut opened them skilfully.. took the pearls out carefully.. arranged them in a bowl neatly.. and then refridgerated them... now I have in my hand a bowl full of poms..cold and crisp.. added a shot of vanilla essence and honey to it.. mmmmmm.. not exactly meltin in my mouth.. but certainly better... this is called fruits of our labor... true indeed... :) :)

catch ya later with certainly another better way of killing time... can u suggest me some.. then way to go guys.. plzz fill me up with innovative ideas to kill my time... this is mee deeps signing out.. goood nightt... :) :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

showing concern and acting towards it!!!

Hey all... I know its been very very long since i posted anything.. to be absolutely frank.. i forgot my logon.. or I atleast thought I forgot.. whatever... I am not giving any explanation... but showing how relieved I am to find my blog back again... coz... this time i have some serious stuff to talk about...

I was really searching for some medium to talk and express my views and concerns.. and there is no other better place than blog... this time.. I am talking bout environment...

Pheww!!!.. lot of u must have got this expression already.. kya hai yaar... she is talking about this long lost topic which is always there in news but no one hardly pays any attention towards it.. that is exactly my concern...

so let me start my blog with a simple question... guys out there in India.. how is the summer season this year... what was ur reaction when u were standing out there in the hot sun during afternoon waiting for a bus on a road where u cudn't find a god darn tree in ur vicinity... what did u all say... u all including me.. must have simply cursed the SUN.... saying "uuuu son of gun" but is that the truth...??????? do u really believe it the SUN who is misbehaving... then plzz... Rethink.. this is my sincere request.. u will have to WAKE UP.... NOW

This is the time guys... plzz... see... i am actually sending a plea to all u out there whom i don even know.. all i know is that all of us share one thing in common... thats the EARTH... lets save it...and I am not just saying save the earth and thats it.. and my blog ends there... NOPE... not at alll... i have few simple ways with which we can make things work... really simple.. trust me..

Please follow these steps whenever u can...
1. Please carry ur own cloth bag or some fancy bag or something of ur own when u go the street market or veggies market to avoid all those horrible polythene.

2. If u don find a cloth bag.. simple guys.. u must be having some fancy bags with u from nice good malls, forums and showrooms... u can carry those bags... u can flaunt the brand too.. thats an added advantage.

3. Please avoid ur vehicle for short distance.. thats good for health as well.

4. Finally, please switch off the not in use power appliances.. be it anything... and also water taps when not in use.. this is another very sincere request.. most of us do not have an andaaza about the capacity of such small things... these can hurt a lotttt..

Thanks for reading it.. If my blog brings about a change in atleast a few ppl then i can think i have achieved some thing... please guys.. lets make this place a little better.. and heyy.. all you environment concerend ppl... u are all very very welcome to post ur ideas.. suggestions and improvements.. I'm in for almost anything :)
so seeya guys soon.. i shall try and post as many simple tips as possible which will help us in spreading this good word..