Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Oh well!

So as it is quite apparent I am not so dedicated to my blog. But then I am lazy. So have got no body to blame this on but me. When ever I have this creative burst I promise myself it is going into this blog but then when I open it I am shy to pen down my thoughts. Something stops me saying may be it is not smart enough for the world to read it. Now let me be honest, anyway the whole world isn't gonna read it, so why worry. But you know, once you are that kinda shy it won't go away. So I decided this is my second innings with blogging and this time around I will do something I believe in and my shy writer alter ego will agree to pen it down. Final decision is, let me stay true to what the name of my blog stands for. I named it World's Review knowingly or seemingly unaware of this hidden shy writer. But oh well, it worked out for me. 

Today's blog is all about how I am planning to go about updating this blog at least weekly with these wise ideas/thoughts I keep getting. You know world is filled with a lot of not so happy people. I don't want to use the word unhappy because they aren't unhappy. They are just NOT happy. Some say you see the world they way you are, so may be that's it then. It is for people like me, lost, confused and trying to understand why they are in a situation they are in, I will bring you good things to read about. Something happy happening somewhere to put that pleasant feeling back in your mind and heart. It can be a nice article I read about, a good book i read that week, a nice movie i watched, a cheerful song I heard, some Touch episode kind of miracle I witnessed and if I hear nothing or see nothing there is always my back up thoughts to share from none other than The Ellen Degeneres. Her show always puts a smile on my face and I am sure it will put on yours too. I always say "Happiness is contagious and Ellen spreads it". 

So brace yourself all you people who came across my blog, thank you for reading it and keep coming back for more. 
