Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A bowl full of pomegranate

Hope i got the spelling right. I never thought I'd have to spell pomegranate one day.. anyways.. that's my dinner for tonight.. so thus named this part of my time.

Getting bored... darn bored. Where am I.. what am I doing.. I generally lead a life where I hardly find time to even make myself a cup of chai.. and now quite opposite.. I am finding time to make an entire four course meal.. Godd.. How I hate cooking..

I really don wanna be this idle.. I never knew coming back to India for such a long break can be this boring.. Once upon a time I never had time to sit properly and enjoy my lunch.. neva had time to enjoy the awesome fall colors.. neva had time to enjoy the town clad in white.. neva had time to njoy the melting moments... coming to more coarse facts..neva had time to do any of the personal nd professional chores leisurely.. now i have time to broood sitting in my bathroom.. simple funda.. I have loads of time to kill.. not finding enough ways..

so today i thought let me do something different.. so went to a fruit market.. bought two poms..(let me call it that...) cut opened them skilfully.. took the pearls out carefully.. arranged them in a bowl neatly.. and then refridgerated them... now I have in my hand a bowl full of poms..cold and crisp.. added a shot of vanilla essence and honey to it.. mmmmmm.. not exactly meltin in my mouth.. but certainly better... this is called fruits of our labor... true indeed... :) :)

catch ya later with certainly another better way of killing time... can u suggest me some.. then way to go guys.. plzz fill me up with innovative ideas to kill my time... this is mee deeps signing out.. goood nightt... :) :)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

showing concern and acting towards it!!!

Hey all... I know its been very very long since i posted anything.. to be absolutely frank.. i forgot my logon.. or I atleast thought I forgot.. whatever... I am not giving any explanation... but showing how relieved I am to find my blog back again... coz... this time i have some serious stuff to talk about...

I was really searching for some medium to talk and express my views and concerns.. and there is no other better place than blog... this time.. I am talking bout environment...

Pheww!!!.. lot of u must have got this expression already.. kya hai yaar... she is talking about this long lost topic which is always there in news but no one hardly pays any attention towards it.. that is exactly my concern...

so let me start my blog with a simple question... guys out there in India.. how is the summer season this year... what was ur reaction when u were standing out there in the hot sun during afternoon waiting for a bus on a road where u cudn't find a god darn tree in ur vicinity... what did u all say... u all including me.. must have simply cursed the SUN.... saying "uuuu son of gun" but is that the truth...??????? do u really believe it the SUN who is misbehaving... then plzz... Rethink.. this is my sincere request.. u will have to WAKE UP.... NOW

This is the time guys... plzz... see... i am actually sending a plea to all u out there whom i don even know.. all i know is that all of us share one thing in common... thats the EARTH... lets save it...and I am not just saying save the earth and thats it.. and my blog ends there... NOPE... not at alll... i have few simple ways with which we can make things work... really simple.. trust me..

Please follow these steps whenever u can...
1. Please carry ur own cloth bag or some fancy bag or something of ur own when u go the street market or veggies market to avoid all those horrible polythene.

2. If u don find a cloth bag.. simple guys.. u must be having some fancy bags with u from nice good malls, forums and showrooms... u can carry those bags... u can flaunt the brand too.. thats an added advantage.

3. Please avoid ur vehicle for short distance.. thats good for health as well.

4. Finally, please switch off the not in use power appliances.. be it anything... and also water taps when not in use.. this is another very sincere request.. most of us do not have an andaaza about the capacity of such small things... these can hurt a lotttt..

Thanks for reading it.. If my blog brings about a change in atleast a few ppl then i can think i have achieved some thing... please guys.. lets make this place a little better.. and heyy.. all you environment concerend ppl... u are all very very welcome to post ur ideas.. suggestions and improvements.. I'm in for almost anything :)
so seeya guys soon.. i shall try and post as many simple tips as possible which will help us in spreading this good word..